Should you Visit a Dentist?
Your oral health is essential, whether you are 8 or 80. Did you know? Every year, even though good oral hygiene and routine oral check-ups could avoid almost all oral disease and improve your health, 50% of Americans still fail to visit a dentist.

Here are some signs that you must see a dentist:
- Severe Tooth Pain
You must head directly to the office of the dentist if you are suffering from severe tooth pain. It can be something simple like a sensitive tooth, where a meek alteration in your everyday routine can treat the pain. Or, it might be an exposed root surface, a loose filling, or tooth decay if you have sensitivity to cold or hot liquid and foods. All of these are simply to fix and aren’t chronic conditions. Another reason for tooth pain can be a more severe problem of periodontal illness. Do not wait for the discomfort to grow, immediately visit your dentist.
- Jaw Pain
It could be really uncomfortable to have a jaw pain. There are a lot of causes for this. This includes osteomyelitis, oral conditions including cavities and gum disease, abscessed tooth, teeth grinding, and impacted wisdom teeth. Also, TMD (Temporomandibular Disorder) could cause serious jaw pain, often so serious that the jaw could become stuck in a closed or open position permanently. Only an expert dentist could help you identify the cause of the issue and an answer to fix the issue.
- Bleeding, Inflamed, or Swollen Gums
A gum that is swollen is a well-known issue and could have a lot of various causes. Typically, they are caused by plaque that’s hardened that has gathered under the gum line. Usually, this is the result of improper oral hygiene, where the bacteria in the mouth create plaque on your teeth. Bleeding or inflamed gums could sometimes be a sign of gum disease, periodontitis, or gingivitis that could lead to tooth loss if not cured immediately. You must visit your dentist if you have bleeding, inflamed, or swollen gums for more than 1 week.
- Chronic Bad Breath
It could be embarrassing for everyone to have a bad breath. There’s a difference between chronic bad breath that could be a more severe problem and occasional bad breath that’s caused by a lot of garlic bread pieces. Chronic bad breath can be a result of conditions like periodontal disease and gingivitis, bacteria living in pockets or cavities in your gums, or tooth decay. Several infections, illnesses, or viruses might also cause this type of problem. Even particular drugs could lead to chronic bad breath. You would need to see a dentist if bad breath lasts more than 1 week. This is because mouthwash and gum would only temporarily cover the problem.
Visiting a dentist has a lot of benefits for you, your oral health, and overall health. You should not worry if the dentist has to remove one or more teeth, you could always avail dentures St Catharines to make you smile again.